Red Hut Erdei kulcsosház családok, baráti társaságok számára…

Terms and Conditions of Use

  1. Data of the service provider: name: Gergely Szűcs, address: 3200 Gyöngyös, Bethlen Gábor utca 7, tax identification number: 55570101-1-30
  2. General rules These “General Terms and Conditions” govern the use of the accommodation of the Service Provider (Vöröskunyhó) in the suburb of Gyöngyösoroszi, registration number 039/A.
  3. Contracting Party
    3.1. The hosting service provided by the Service Provider is used by the Host.
    3.2. The Service Provider and the Host become contracting parties (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) if the conditions are met.
    3.3. If the order for the service is placed with the Provider by a third party (hereinafter referred to as the intermediary) on behalf of the Host, the terms of cooperation shall be governed by the contract concluded between the Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to verify whether the third party legally represents the Customer.
  4. Drawing up the contract, method of booking, modification, notification obligation
    4.1 The Service Provider sends an offer in response to the Host’s request for an offer, either orally or in writing. If no specific order is received within 24 hours of sending the offer, the service provider’s obligation to make an offer ends.
    4.2 The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded after confirmation of the guest’s written or oral booking by the service provider in writing (letter, fax, e-mail). A booking, agreement, amendment or oral confirmation of a booking, agreement or amendment made orally by the Service Provider shall not be considered a contract.
    4.3 The contract for the use of the hosting service is concluded for a fixed period.
    4.3.1 If the Client permanently leaves the accommodation before the expiry of the specified period, the Service Provider is entitled to the full price of the service stipulated in the contract. The service provider has the right to resell the vacated room before the expiration date.
    4.3.2. In this case, the Service Provider may request reimbursement for the service already provided.
    4.4 Any amendments and/or additions to the contract require the written agreement of the parties.
    4.5 The service provider keeps the lost and found for 24 hours, after which it is destroyed.
  5. Cancellation conditions
    5.1 Unless otherwise stated in the accommodation offer, the accommodation service can be cancelled without penalty up to 11 days before arrival, if cancelled 8-10 days before arrival, the service provider may charge a penalty of 40% of the accommodation price, and if cancelled within 7 days, the service provider is entitled to the full price of the accommodation.
    a) If the Contracting Party has not guaranteed the use of the accommodation services by advance payment or otherwise, the obligation of the service provider to provide the service shall end after 2 p.m. local time on the day of arrival.
    b) If the Contractor has ensured the use of the accommodation services by means of an advance payment or by another means provided for in the contract and does not show up on the day of arrival or does not give notice, the service provider may claim the full price of the accommodation as a penalty. In this case, the accommodation is reserved for the contracting party until 10 a.m. on the day after the day of arrival, after which the obligation of the service provider to provide the service ends.
  6. Prices
    6.1 The prices of the House are displayed on the homepage of the House and on the website.
    6.2. The Service Provider has the right to change the advertised prices until the booking is confirmed or, in the absence of such confirmation, until the House is occupied.
    6.3. The service provider shall pass on to the Contracting Party, after prior notification, any additional costs resulting from a change in the applicable tax legislation (VAT, tourism tax).
    6.4. Current discounts, promotions and other offers are published on the House’s website.
  7. Payment Method, Warranty
    7.1 The Service Provider shall demand payment for the accommodation service from the Contractor immediately before the use of the Accommodation at the time of handover of the keys, but may also provide for the possibility of subsequent payment within the framework of an individual agreement.
    7.2. The Service Provider may request the advance payment of part or all of the participation fees in order to ensure the use of the Service in accordance with the Agreement and the payment of the consideration.
    7.3. The Contracting Party may only pay its invoice in official Hungarian currency.
    7.4. Fees related to the use of any payment method shall be borne by the Contracting Party/Guest.
  8. Terms and Conditions of Service
    8.1. The client may occupy the house from 14:00 on the day of arrival (Check in) and is obliged to leave the house until 10:00 on the last day of the stay (Check out).
    8.2. If the client wishes to occupy the house before 14:00 on the day of arrival, the previous night may be charged at 50% of the price of the previous night, subject to individual agreement.
    8.3 If the client wishes to leave the house after 11:00 on the day of departure, the following night will be charged at 50% after individual agreement.
  9. Pets
    9.1 Animals may not be brought into the house, nor kept in the area in front of the house, i.e. the service provider does not allow animals to be brought into the home.
  10. Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the service obligation
    10.1. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Hosting Services Agreement with immediate effect, thereby refusing to provide the Services if:
    a) the client does not use the accommodation made available to him in accordance with the intended use,
    b) the client behaves inappropriately, rudely, disrespectfully, disrespectful of the safety of the accommodation, the order of the accommodation or other persons, or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or engages in threats, abuse or other unacceptable behaviour
    c) the host suffers from an illness.
    (d) the Contracting Party fails to fulfil its obligation to pay the advance payment provided for in the Contract by the date specified.
    10.2 If the contract between the parties is terminated for reasons of force majeure, the contract shall be deemed to have been terminated at the time the force majeure occurs.
  11. In the event of illness or death of the host
    11.1 If the Client becomes ill while using the Accommodation Service and is unable to act in his own interest, the Service Provider offers or provides medical assistance upon request and at an additional cost.
    11.2 In the event of the Guest’s illness/death, the Service Provider has the right to be compensated by the parents, heirs or the payer of the ill/deceased person’s bill for medical and procedural costs, the value of the services used before the death and damage to equipment and furniture caused by the illness/death.
    11.3 In the event of the death of a guest, the service provider shall act in accordance with the rights and rules of humanity and compassion.
  12. Rights of the Contracting Party
    12.1 Under the contract, the Guest has the right to use the accommodation and the facilities of the booked accommodation, which are included in the normal scope of services, for the intended purposes.
    12.2 The customer may lodge a complaint regarding the performance of the services provided by the service provider during the duration of their stay in the accommodation. During this period, the Service Provider undertakes to deal with any claim submitted to it (or registered) with written proof.
    12.3 The Customer’s right to lodge a complaint ends after the Guest leaves the place of accommodation.
  13. Obligations of the Contracting Party
    13.1 The Contractor is obliged to pay the price for the services ordered in the contract on the date and in the manner specified in the contract.
    13.2 The Guest must ensure that any child under the age of 14 under their care is only under the supervision of an adult in the Provider’s home.
    13.4 Each guest or his/her companion may stay in the house at his/her own risk, respecting the safety rules and the general rules regarding the protection of property, fire prevention and house order, in particular the fact that the house is located in an actively hunted forest area, and that the rules of the forest must therefore be respected at all times.
  14. Liability of the contracting party The Host is liable for all damages, gaps in the inventory of the equipment and inconveniences suffered by the Service Provider or third parties due to the fault of the Host, his/her companion or other persons under his/her responsibility. This liability also applies if the injured party is entitled to claim compensation for his or her damage directly from the service provider.
  15. Rights of the service provider If the guest does not fulfil his obligation to pay the fees for the services used or ordered in the contract but not used, the service provider is entitled to a lien on the host’s personal property that he has brought with him into the house to secure his claims.
  16. Obligations of the Service Provider The Service Provider shall;
    a) provide the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract, or inform the client of any failure to do so by 8 p.m. on the day before check-in.
    (b) review the customer’s written complaint and take the necessary steps to remedy the problem, which must be documented in writing.
  17. Liability of the Service Provider for Damages The Service Provider is liable for any damage suffered by the Host that is caused by the fault of the Service Provider on the premises. The Service Provider is not liable for damage caused by a cause beyond the control of the Guests of the Service Provider or caused by the Host himself. The Host must immediately report the damage to the Service Provider and provide all necessary information to clarify the circumstances of the damage, possibly for the registration of a police report/police procedure. The service provider is only liable for valuables, securities and cash if he has expressly accepted them on deposit or if the damage was caused by a cause for which he is responsible under the general rules. In this case, the burden of proof lies with the host. The maximum amount of compensation is five times the daily price provided for in the contract, unless the damage is of lesser value.
  18. Data protection In the performance of its obligations under the contract, the service provider shall act in accordance with the provisions of Act LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and disclosure of data in the public interest and the relevant data protection legislation and, whether the Contracting Party has drawn the attention of the service provider to this point, in accordance with the relevant internal rules of the Contracting Party. Upon entering the building, the Operator records the data in accordance with data protection legislation for verification and evidentiary purposes and for security purposes.
  19. Force Majeure A cause or circumstance (e.g., war, fire, flood, epidemic, adverse weather conditions, strike) over which a party has no control (force majeure) releases either party from the performance of its obligations under the Contract for as long as such cause or circumstance exists. The parties agree to use their best efforts to minimize the possibility of such causes or circumstances occurring and to prevent or remedy any resulting damage or delay as soon as possible.
  20. The legal relationship between the service provider and the contracting party is governed by the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code. The Gyöngyös Court or the Eger Court shall have jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from the service contract, depending on its jurisdiction. The Contracting Party has read and read the General Terms and Conditions at the time of signing the registration form and acknowledges its obligations.